faubourg lafitte redevelopment

The redevelopment of New Orleans’ Faubourg Lafitte housing in its historic Tremé neighborhood has been a valuable part of revitalizing this vibrant and historic area that was heavily damaged during Hurricane Katrina. MWA designed 417 units of housing across 220 new buildings composed of detached housing and townhouses. The design for the new Faubourg Lafitte relied heavily on input from the community who wanted to see housing built along the historic street grid and to see the unique housing types and character of historic Tremé reflected in the new houses.

MWA completed the design of 45 units of for-sale housing.



New Orleans, LA


Enterprise Homes, Inc.


Broadmoor – Womack JV


Early Phase 417 Homes
Current Phase 45 Homes


Early Phase 2010
Current Phase 2019 (est.)


Enterprise Community Partners
Harry Connolly

The homes are arranged on a 7-block site, restoring the historic block grid structure and reconnecting the site to adjacent neighborhoods. Design for the homes all reflect the local architectural vernacular.

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