City of Portland Emergency Coordination Center

The Emergency Coordination Center is a critical public building that allows the City of Portland to provide a continuity of operation and management during an emergency. This state-of-the-art 30,000 SF LEED Gold facility is designed to meet Essential Facility standards. It provides flexible office, training, and coordination space for many of the City’s emergency management and security entities. It can also be used as a temporary location for the City Council.



Portland, OR


City of Portland


30,000 SF




Thomas Harris

Most importantly, the ECC reflects the values and commitment of the City to its citizens. An intense land use process engaged the public and had the design team involved in neighborhood meetings. MWA supported this outreach effort by gathering feedback from architectural and landscape preference surveys, producing 3D visuals to allow neighbors and the public to envision this project.

The nature of the building requires it to have a high level of self-sufficiency allowing for immediate operation during emergency situations.

On-site resources were integrated into the design to enable the facility to operate in a ‘stand alone’ condition if utilities, communication and other infrastructure are not available.

The ECC was carefully designed, with efforts to maximize passive and sustainable strategies for building operation while minimizing its impact on the surrounding neighborhood and local natural processes. Interior daylighting, efficient insulation design, and rainwater harvesting reduce both operating costs and the need to rely on off-site resources. Extensive native low-water landscaping and 100% on-site stormwater infiltration promotes efficient water management, reduces heat-island effect and presents a more refined appearance to both the neighbors and adjacent public park.

Large windows and skylights provide ample daylight throughout the office spaces.


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